Gloucestershire business

882888 people live in Gloucestershire. Gloucestershire covers the area of 1216 sq.miles. There are forty-six thousand three hundred and sixty-three active companies have been registered in Gloucestershire. At the moment there are two thousand one hundred and forty-five not active business entities registered in Gloucestershire. In 2015: the total assets of all businesses operating in Gloucestershire were £2617.95k. The total cash of all companies working in the county were £617.44k. The liabilities of all businesses were £934.66k in 2015. In 2016 the total assets of all businesses registered in Gloucestershire were £454815.8k. The total cash of all companies registered in the county were £142884.13k. The liabilities of all businesses were £283520.79k.

South Gloucestershire BS16 9PE, BS35 2BS, BS16 6BQ, BS32 4JY
Cheltenham GL53 0NL, GL50 1DY, GL52 6QX, GL50 4JA
Forest of Dean GL19 3JZ, GL15 5LY, GL14 2DA, GL14 3NG
Stroud GL6 8DR, GL6 0AG, GL13 9JR, GL2 4BH
Cotswold GL8 8AA, GL8 8JG, GL8 8HZ, GL8 8NF
Gloucester GL2 0HB, GL1 1UN, GL1 2EX, GL1 3ND
Tewkesbury GL2 8DJ, GL51 4GA, GL51 0UX, GL3 1NQ